I am a twenty-something misfit who has a bizarre, geeky and unsatiable passion for movies.
I was raised on spaghetti westerns, sci-fi movies, fantasy films, Japanese sword-flicks, adventure movies and the golden age of hollywood classics. In high school I worked in a movie theater because, to me, there is no greater perk in life than free movies. I went to college for visual media production where my movie geekery could be nutured and someday blossom. I learned to disect films the way med students disect cadavers. And I figured I should use all that passion and knowledge for something. I should use my powers for good, so to speak.
So, here we are. I consume an ecclectic mix of film via NetFlix, cable and cinema visit and lay it all out for the world to see. Why? Because some movies are awesome and you should see them, and because some movies are unbearably awful and you should avoid them at all costs.
If you have requests, or general feedback, or want to just want to talk about Star Trek, Indiana Jones or Kurosawa get in touch!
I am geek, hear me roar!
"Ghostbusters" (2016)
Starring Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon
Written by Katie Dippold and Paul Feig
Directed by Paul Feig
Rated PG-13 — Language, ...
Checking In
Oh hey!
In case anyone new drops by, I just wanted to note that this blog has not
been maintained in a very long time.
I'm sure there's some fun stuff to ...
Stomach Bug
An omphalophobic is a person with a fear of belly buttons. People who have
this fear grapple with all kinds of irrational issues involving their
navels. ...
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